Download the version 7.0.3 FBIA update - Click here 22.17Mb

Features added

1. When you have a site-wide custom property value set, you can now overwrite this value for individual products and sections without affecting any other sections or products. Ref: a_c/1452
2. The sort order for orders in the 'order summary' is now retained correctly when you switch from tab to tab. Ref: a_c/1450
3. The sub-district details will no longer be removed from a downloaded order. Ref: a_c/1456
4. Actinic can now correctly import a hierarchical file that it has just exported.
5. You can now upload a store from one Windows user account and download orders onto another. Ref: a_c/1437
6. You can now enter a URL for a virtual terminal in the offline order wizard for making online payments. Ref: a_c/1438
7. The drop-down for selecting products in an offline order is now wider. Ref: a_c/1438
8. You can now use template files with an extension of *.htm without any problem. Ref: a_c/1435
9. An incorrect error message in Catalog about 'the B2B index files appear to be corrupt' will no longer appear in Catalog. Ref: a_c/1440
10. 'Enhanced FTP' and 'SMTP Server' fields are now automatically cleared when a customer switches to 'Host Mode'. Ref: a_c/1443
11. You can now create offline orders even when all the order level discounts are deleted. Ref: a_c/1444
12. You can now allow customers to not have to enter an email address online. Ref: a_ss/208
13. PayPal has been renamed to 'PayPal Website Payments', and is now the default PSP in new installations of Actinic. a_occ/553
14. When you place an offline order with a PSP, you no longer deduct double quantities of the product from the available stock level. Ref: a_c/1445
15. When you upgrade now and the Site Upgrader does not run, you will no longer receive an error message about scripts being incompatible when you download. Ref: a_c/1441
16. Actinic will no longer crash if you open an order which was placed with a shipping method that no longer exists in the Actinic application. Ref: a_c/1436
17. You can now surcharge on an empty shopping basket without receiving a 'divide by zero' error message. Ref: a_ss/205
18. When using 'Request Location Info Early', Actinic now calculates the cart total correctly without having to click 'Update'. Ref: a_ss/20


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