4. Reciept Print feature

Before you start make a copy of the template that you are using for the reciept page (Design>Options>Layouts) then open this template to edit it.

First paste this between the <head>....</head> tags


<!-- Begin
function printPage() {
if (window.print) {
agree = confirm('Thank you for shopping at our site, we recommend that you print a copy of this reciept. \n\nOK to print now?');
if (agree) window.print();
// End -->


Then paste this command to the start fo the <body> tag (Replace the existing "body")

body onLoad= printPage();

You should then save the page, if you are using notepad rather than a web editor then save as "all files" in the file types drop down when asked to save.

Then, if you haven't already select this template for your reciept page